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About Wendy

Wendy Rolón, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Grief & End of Life Counselor

Wendy is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and a grief counselor whose background is in birth and death doula work. She is particularly awed by grief's ability to transform and expand our lives. A long-time supporter of those in transition, Wendy works with those experiencing all types of grief, anxiety & depression, and has a strong affinity with neurodivergent and highly sensitive people. She brings a calm and loving presence to any situation. She believes fervently in the healing power of  meditation, being in nature, yoga, music, storytelling and laughter, and is always looking for ways to incorporate these elements into her healing practice. Wendy works with ideas from Buddhist philosophy and parts therapy to help clients grow their self-compassion and self-awareness

Wendy has three kids, three dogs, three cats and loves gardening, reading, singing, knitting and the ocean.

Wendy Rolon, Grief Counselor & End of Life Doula - headshot
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